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The DisPAtch is your one stop for all PA news and events.

PA News + Announcements

April DisPAtch 

Happy Spring! 

As seasons change, so does our school. The vintage Packer postcard above reminds us how much the school has changed and how eagerly we await the new garden.

It’s election time! No, not that election, the PA election. 

Taking a leadership role in the PA is a great way to meet parents in every division and help build a warm and welcoming community for everyone at Packer.  

The PA is looking to fill leadership roles and open board positions for the 2024-25 school year - no experience is necessary!  Please fill out this form or reach out to our PA Volunteer Chair, Marisa Kubiak if you are interested.

Did you know…

…That as a parent or guardian of a Packer student, you are automatically members of the Packer Parent Association?  Unlike most other independent schools, we pay no dues or membership fees.

… All Packer adults are welcome to volunteer to help with or lead PA programs or be on the board? No experience is necessary, just passion and commitment! Let us know you’re interested by filling out this form.

…And in addition to participating in the PA fundraising events that support the PA Community Fund and foster community, you can attend one (or more!) of the PA-sponsored discussion groups or affinity spaces that are right for you.

Read on to learn about this month’s PA events!

Ainka Shackleford Turner (

Sary Awad (

P.S. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook!

PA Mission

— To create and maintain a warm and welcoming community for all Packer families.

— To facilitate communication between parents and the school administration.

— To support faculty objectives with educational program events.

— To raise money for the Community Fund, which helps families cover certain ancillary costs of an independent school education, such as student travel, certain academic and athletics-related expenses,  instrument rental, etc.