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Faculty and Staff Directory

At the heart of our community are the extraordinary people on our Faculty and Staff.

< 1 3 4 5 6 7 13 > showing 85 - 105 of 269 constituents
Emma Goodman

Emma Goodman

Associate Teacher
Nicholas Griffith

Nicholas Griffith

Associate Teacher
Dely Guastavino

Dely Guastavino

Physical Education Teacher

Juan Guzman

Food Service Staff
Elizabeth Aurand Hastings

Elizabeth Aurand Hastings

Associate Head of School and Academic Dean
Jeremy Hawkins

Jeremy Hawkins

Dean, Class of 2027, Health Teacher
Aaron Heflich Shapiro

Aaron Heflich Shapiro

Manager of Development Services
Sabrina  Hellman

Sabrina Hellman

Nursing Department Head
Annette Hernandez

Annette Hernandez

Assistant Director of Preschool and Lower School Admissions
Dio Hernandez

Dio Hernandez

World Language Teacher
Matthew Hernandez

Matthew Hernandez

Assistant Director of Auxiliary Programs
Eve Herold

Eve Herold

History Department Head
Willy Hiciano

Willy Hiciano

Jennifer Hickman

Jennifer Hickman

Assistant Director of Middle School and Upper School Admissions
Zoë Hillman

Zoë Hillman

Pre/Lower School Division Head
Andrae Hines

Andrae Hines

Assistant Athletic Director
Caroline Holder

Caroline Holder

Art Teacher
Lutz Holzinger

Lutz Holzinger

Science Teacher
Ronnette Hope

Ronnette Hope

Director of Alumni
Rey Horowitz

Rey Horowitz

Science Teacher
Chloe Houston

Chloe Houston

Mathematics Department Head
< 1 3 4 5 6 7 13 > showing 85 - 105 of 269 constituents