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Faculty and Staff Directory

At the heart of our community are the extraordinary people on our Faculty and Staff.

< 1 2 3 4 13 > showing 22 - 42 of 265 constituents
Linda Brindeau

Linda Brindeau

World Language Teacher
Isy Brosius

Isy Brosius

Associate Teacher
Raoul Brown

Raoul Brown

Copy Center Coordinator
Sherleen Bruno

Sherleen Bruno

Learning Specialist
Kris Burke

Kris Burke

Choral Director
Shane Cappuccio

Shane Cappuccio

English Teacher
Tawanna L. Carmichael

Tawanna L. Carmichael

Food Service Staff
Jorge Castillo Guzman

Jorge Castillo Guzman

Food Service Staff
Sadelle Chain

Sadelle Chain

English/History Teacher
Dorothy Cherry

Dorothy Cherry

Physical Education Teacher
Tak Cheung

Tak Cheung

Computer Science Teacher and Integrator
Ian Chute

Ian Chute

Science Teacher
Pam Ann Cibrano

Pam Ann Cibrano

Music Teacher
Kristin Marie Cimini

Kristin Marie Cimini

Mathematics Teacher
Meghan Clark

Meghan Clark

Computer Science Teacher and Integrator
James Cleveland-Tran

James Cleveland-Tran

Mathematics Teacher
Anna Cohen

Anna Cohen

Development Associate
Denise Coleman

Denise Coleman

Director of Human Resources
Janel  Coleman

Janel Coleman

Health Teacher

Linda Comparone

Music Adjunct
Guadalupe Concannon

Guadalupe Concannon

Payroll and Benefits Specialist
< 1 2 3 4 13 > showing 22 - 42 of 265 constituents