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Know Your Pelicans

Meet Liz Ann Doherty

Head Nurse

Portrait of Liz Ann Doherty
Know Your Pelicans

Can you describe a favorite or memorable moment you've had at Packer?

Students from the Packer Prism interviewed [fellow School Nurse] Sabrina [Hellman] and I due to our role in managing health and safety during the pandemic. I was heartened to know that our work to keep the school open and safe was appreciated. My most joyful moments are when I have an opportunity to get to know students and see their amazing work. I loved seeing their investigative skills in action. The article was so well written and truly reflected our experience. 

Another special moment was when I was invited to a Lower School assembly as a special guest. I asked the students where they thought I slept at night and many of them thought I slept in the beds in the Nurses’ Office! 

What made you decide to work for Packer and why has it been a fulfilling career choice?

Early in my career I was a hospital nurse and then changed careers to work in the pharmaceutical industry after getting an MBA. My children were students at Packer when the Nurse encouraged me to return to nursing. I had never considered it as a career choice. Much to my surprise, it has been the career in which I spent the most time and has been the most rewarding. 

Name a book/artwork/piece of music that changed your life and explain how.

I read The Fountainhead in high school. While the book was and remains controversial, the concept of individualism was new to me and propelled me to find the courage to pursue my own path.

Growing up, did you have a teacher who was particularly influential for you?

Much of the teaching in my day was by intimidation. And while Sister Noel’s proclamation that my anatomy and physiology class was where the school would “weed out the flakes” may have scared me into making sure I wasn't one of them, I also vowed I would never treat anyone the way we were treated in school. It wasn’t until graduate school that I had professors who were encouraging and supportive and made me feel like I was capable.

What is something most Packer people wouldn't guess about you?

I love to participate in sports, tennis, skiing, biking, anything that moves. It is what keeps me grounded. 

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