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Know Your Pelicans

Meet Eric Figueroa

Security Guard

Know Your Pelicans

As a member of Packer’s security team, how do you see your role at Packer?

I see my primary role as someone who makes sure only safe people enter into our community, and I assist students, parents, and visitors by directing them to where they want to go. I also answer questions explaining our new security procedures.

Tell us about a specific time you found your job especially rewarding.

I find it rewarding when I take my time with assisting some of the older Packer parents, for instance, and grandparents.

What’s one thing you love about your colleagues? 

I like that my colleagues are always willing to help out and have a very welcoming spirit.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

If I had a superpower, I would love to fly so I could travel the world and experience different places and cultures.

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